Access our orchestration models

Seamless integration and optimal performance in concrete applications.

What is an orchestration model ?

An Orchestration Model is a system that coordinates and manages different components, including LLM and generative AI technologies, to ensure smooth integration and optimal performance in real-world applications. These models are optimized for specific tasks to ensure maximum efficiency.

What is it for ?

These orchestration models cover a wide range of applications, including document processing, AI-powered translations, automated web browsing, and smart conversations.


File models

Analyze, question, and extract information using our powerful processing technologies and post-RAG technology.


Translation models

Advanced translation capabilities for multiple languages and formats.


Web models

Enhance your Internet searches with the latest genAI technology.


Conversation models

Powerful conversational AI with contextual awareness and guaranteed security.

image reading

Vision models

Treatment and vision thanks to the state of the art in generative AI.